Sunday, July 26, 2020

3 Ways to Leverage a Sponsor to Find Your Dream Job - Hallie Crawford

3 Ways to Leverage a Sponsor to Find Your Dream Job - Hallie Crawford Are you having trouble making connections to find and land your dream job? Have you ever thought about having your own personal sponsor? We tend to limit sponsors to vendors or organizations that sponsor an organization or provide resources and materials for an association event. But a personal sponsor can be used in many areas of your professional life, such as to help you have a more successful job search. Let’s discuss a little more about what a professional sponsor is and how you can leverage one for your career goals.   What is a professional sponsor? A sponsor is a successful or well-connected professional who is usually well-known, respected, and/or has a large network who can make key connections for you that you might not be able to make on your own. While we do commend and support any professional who has the courage to make new connections on their own, many times you will have more success meeting a new person through a mutual connection. This mutual connection could be your sponsor. A professional sponsor is similar to a mentor or career coach but different in a few ways. While mentors typically provide longer-term support and advice, a sponsor is someone you leverage for specific one-time situations. You could also choose to leverage different sponsors for different professional reasons. Here are three ways you can leverage a sponsor to help you find your dream job:   Job search. If you see that one of your connections knows the hiring manager for the job you want, reach out to them and ask if they would sponsor you. This means that they would contact the hiring manager and let them know they have a friend (you) who would be a good fit for the position. Your sponsor can also send you a referral application link, which lets the employer know you are being referred versus applying online using the public link for the position opening. This can give you higher preference in the recruiting process. You can also ask your sponsor if they would be willing to provide advice to you as you progress through the hiring process, such as how to adjust your resume for the position based on buzzwords and strengths the company is looking for, any recommendations for interview preparation, and suggestions for following up after your interview. Networking events. A sponsor for a networking event will make introductions and talk positively about you. It’s like having an experienced wingman or woman with you to help you feel more confident and provide easier access to people you wouldn’t have otherwise. A sponsor could also be a friend or family member who attends an event with you for moral support. Asking someone to be your sponsor doesn’t have to be a formal request. You can simply reach out to ask if they could assist you with introductions at the event. However, be specific with what you would like to ask of them and ensure they are comfortable with that role. Practice in advance what they might say about you in a group conversation, if possible. Before attending a networking event, determine what opportunities are available to you and how a sponsor could help with those opportunities. For example, is there someone in particular you want to meet such as someone who works at the organization you want to work for or someone you would like to conduct an informational interview with? Now consider which experienced professionals in your network could attend the event with you or who are already attending the event. For example, you can ask a former co-worker to attend an event with you, help you prepare in advance, and talk you up during conversations. To get a promotion. Is your dream job a different position within your organization, such as a promotion? A sponsor for a promotion would be someone well-regarded and above you within your organization. Identify someone within your organization that knows your strengths and skill set well enough to speak on your behalf during the process. They could do one or more of the following:   Set up a meeting to speak with your supervisor to discuss your qualifications. Write a recommendation letter for why they feel you should be promoted. Develop a list of specific qualifications to share with your manager regarding your leadership strengths and projects you’ve worked on which demonstrate you are ready for the next level.   Of course, remember to make yourself available to your connections as a sponsor when possible as well. If all professionals sponsor each other from time to time, this will help create unique opportunities and career advancement for everyone. Please Share This

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Leaders, Do You Have a Traffic Problem

Pioneers, Do You Have a 'Traffic' Problem Pioneers, Do You Have a 'Traffic' Problem As of late, I went over a well known unattributed quote gliding around on the web (in an image, obviously). It states, You are not stranded in rush hour gridlock, you are traffic. Its an incredible remark on the inclination of individuals to expel themselves from fault in awful circumstances â€" and theres a business exercise to pull from this thought, as well. Pioneers, if something in your association isnt working â€" regardless of whether it be exhausting gatherings or ineffective correspondence â€" Ive got some intense news: Youre part of the issue. The uplifting news, notwithstanding, is you can fix things on the off chance that you resolve to change. As a business mentor, I work with organizations to recognize these traffic issues, and I assist pioneers with sanctioning change through utilization of the Rockefeller Habits, an assortment of business essentials created by Verne Harnish. The propensities arent simply cordial updates or general rules â€" they are the totaled accepted procedures of the universes most cultivated associations. The Rockefeller Habits are powerful, yet they require genuine exertion from a pioneer ready to acknowledge duty regarding hierarchical issues. On the off chance that you perceive traffic issues at your association and are happy to acknowledge obligation, here are two basic steps to take on the off chance that you need to dispense with those issues: Stage 1: Create Meeting Rhythms Setting up meeting mood is an incredible method to guarantee that snappy, predictable, and exact correspondence continues spilling out of through and through (and base to top) in your association. Set up a mood of regularly planned, reliable gatherings where your colleagues can talk about things for which they are responsible and that help authoritative and singular needs. In my work, I have discovered that one of the most basic and successful gatherings is the every day group. Presently, a ton of pioneers sneer when I demand that they need to add another gathering to their every day plans, yet trust me: This one is fundamental to authoritative achievement. Put aside a period every morning for your whole group (yes â€" the whole group) to accumulate for 10-15 minutes. At this gathering, everybody ought to examine their day by day plans and some other data the remainder of the group should know, progress on key execution pointers, undertakings they need assistance with or are stuck on, and nonnegotiable needs that should be practiced that day. As a pioneer, ensure to prep for each group with aim and enthusiasm! Assemble in advance a couple of elevated level bits of knowledge that the whole group has to think about, and toss in a bit of a bonus from an individual point of view, for example, an ongoing success or battle youve experienced. On the off chance that you show an ability to share, others will figure out how to do likewise. The before you know it, individuals will really anticipate the cluster and even rely upon it. Another gathering we energize is an every other week one-on-one. This is an open door for a colleague to plunk down with a director to talk straightforwardly and really about remaining burdens, moving needs, battles at work, and even battles at home. Beside giving pioneers within scoop on group usefulness, these gatherings give workers the chance to vent to somebody who can take action on the issue. Something else, a representatives cynicism could spread to others in the workplace. Stage 2: Install Accountability The subsequent advance is to join responsibility into these gatherings, guaranteeing that colleagues are doing the things they have vowed to do. Each and every colleague in your association should leave these new gatherings with things to do or following stages towards an objective. On the off chance that theyre not, the gatherings arent being utilized accurately. (No big surprise theyre exhausting for a portion of your kin!) Furthermore, you should keep an eye on errands doled out in past gatherings to remain refreshed on their status and following stages. Setting up a plan of conversation themes for each gathering can help keep gatherings on target. Indeed, even an unpleasant framework can help reign in discussion and keep individuals concentrated on the bigger objective within reach. During these gatherings, track the discussion on a noticeable medium, for example, an archive or a whiteboard. A visual portrayal of objectives, things to do, and updates is an intense and critical approach to keep individuals sorted out and on target. â€" The purpose of more intelligent gatherings is to open up correspondence and help colleagues achieve their objectives. At the point when you set up reliable rhythms, those annoying traffic issues will turn into a relic of past times. Prepared to attempt it in your association? JT Terrell is a confirmed Petra Coach.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Marine Corps Customs and Traditions

Marine Corps Customs and Traditions Marine Corps Customs and Traditions In the Marine Corps, for all intents and purposes each custom has become out of the way wherein Marines of the past behaved just as present Marines respecting Marine legends of yesterday. Numerous Marine traditions have been fused into guidelines so as to normalize lead all through the Corps, yet some of them can't be found in composed mandates. Knowing and watching these traditions, both composed and unwritten, is essential to every Marine since it keeps him aware of the legacy and customs of his Corps, and of his obligation to maintain them. Moreover, it causes him to feel that he is a piece of the group and assists with making the solid obligation of unwaveringness among him and every other Marine that has become a distinctive sign of the Corps. At the point when you think Marine Corps, you may think about the night in Tun Tavern in 1775 where the primary enlistment drive for Marines started in Philadelphia before the Revolutionary War. You may think about the terms Jarhead, Leatherneck,, or Devil Dogs, however The Few, The Proud are most popular for Semper Fi (consistently reliable) and being the First to Fight in excess of 300 sea shore arrivals all through the multi year history. Ooh-Rah! Marine Corps Birthday One of the most well known Marine traditions is the recognition of the Marine Corps Birthday. Since 1921 the birthday of the Marine Corps has been formally praised every year on 10 November, since it was on this date in 1775 that Continental Congress settled, That two Battalions of Marines be raised.... Throughout the years the Marine Corps Birthday has been commended in a wide assortment of ways, contingent upon the area and conditions of the Marine units. The festival includes the perusing of a passage from the Marine Corps Manual and a birthday message from the Commandant; the cutting of a birthday cake by the boss; and the introduction of the first and second bits of cake to the most seasoned and most youthful Marines present. Salutes Probably the most significant traditions of all are those of military civility. In the Marine Corps, graciousness is a declaration of regard for the power controlled by a person, just as a showing of regard for the Corps all in all. Using the different types of military kindness a Marine says, as a result, As faithful comrades and individual Marines, I think of you as deserving of my regard. At the point when utilized as such, military graciousness accept one of its most significant jobs; it is an outflow of the regard a Marine has for different Marines and for himself. Of the considerable number of types of military graciousness, the different salutes are presumably the most significant. They are positively the most evident and much of the time utilized. Saluting is the conventional type of welcome between men of the calling of arms and it is a regarded custom of military associations all through the world. Marines in uniform salute officials (or senior officials), regardless of whether that official is in regular citizen garments (expecting the Marine perceives the person as an official). On the other hand, its not considered fitting for a Marine in civilian clothes to start a salute to an official (or senior official), regardless of whether that official is in uniform. During the playing of the National Anthem, at morning and night hues, and at burial services, if in regular citizen dress, Marines reveal and hold the cap over the left bosom at such occasions as those in uniform salute. Many get ready when in non military personnel garments also when hearing the National Anthem or the Marines Hymn. Random There are numerous different traditions which have noteworthiness in the life of a Marine. A couple of the prominent ones are recorded here. Boarding a little vessel or entering a vehicle. When loading up a little pontoon or entering a vehicle, Juniors enter first and take up the seats or the space starting forward, leaving the most attractive seat for the senior. Seniors enter last and leave first.Serenading the Commandant. Initiating with the last New Years Day of the Civil War, on the morning of 1 January of every year the Marine Band serenades the Commandant of the Marine Corps at his quarters and got blistering buttered rum and breakfast consequently. Wetting Down Parties. At whatever point an official is advanced, he usually holds a wetting down party. As of now the new commission is supposed to be wet down. At the point when a few officials are advanced simultaneously, they often have a solitary wetting down party.Wishes of Commanding Officer. At the point when the leader of a Marines says, I wish or I want, these articulations have the power of an immediate request and ought to be followed up on as though he had given a direct order.Looking Out for Your Men. One component which has made the Marine Corps such a regarded association is the custom of Marine pioneers paying special mind to their men. A Marine head ensures his men are serenely dressed, housed, and fairly rewarded. For instance, in the field, a Marine official takes position in the wreckage line after all the enrolled men so as to guarantee all men get their food. A Marine head never leaves an injured or dead Marine on the combat zone to fall under the control of the foe. Being a Marine. But the most remarkable custom in the Marine Corps is essentially being a Marine and all that it infers. Call it spirit, call it esprit de corps, call it what you willit is that pride which sets a United States Marine apart from the men of other equipped administrations. It isn't instructed in manuals, yet it is the most amazing exercise a select learns in boot camp. It isn't unmistakable, yet it has won battles against material chances. Some Classic Quotes About Marines Congressperson Paul H. Douglas expressed: Those of us who have had the benefit of serving in the Marine Corps esteem our experience as among the most valuable of our lives. The cooperation of shared difficulties and risks in a noble purpose makes a nearby obligation of comradeship. It is the essential purpose behind the cohesiveness of Marines and for the pride we have in our corps and our dependability to one another. A Marine is pleased with his Corps and trusts it to be best in class. He is faithful to his friends and to the Marine Corps, holding fast consistently to the adage Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful). Marine have accumulated regard from different individuals in our military and exceptional activities networks just as the remote warriors: Naval force SEAL Chris Kyle expressed, In my experience, Marines are gung ho regardless. They will all battle until the very end. All of them simply needs to get out there and murder. They are boss, hard-charging moms. RAdm. J. R.Stark expressed: Marines I see as two varieties, Rottweiler's or Doberman's, on the grounds that Marines come in two assortments, huge and mean, or thin and mean. Theyre forceful on the assault and diligent on barrier. Theyve got truly short hair and they generally go for the throat. Gen. William Thornson, U.S. Armed force expressed: There are just two sorts of individuals that get Marines: Marines and the adversary. Every other person has a second-hand opinion.General James F. Amos expressed: When a Marine, consistently a Marine. The title is lasting. Try not to utilize previous Marine, as it suggests not, at this point a Marine. Youre a Marine, just in an alternate uniform and youre in an alternate period of your life. Be that as it may, youll consistently be a Marine since you went to Parris Island, San Diego or the slopes of Quantico. Theres nothing of the sort as a previous Marine. All things considered, as the day closes for the Marine enlist going to USMC training camp, the last words out of the volunteers mouth are, Good Night Chesty Puller - any place you are

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Market Yourself Effectively by Adapting to Current Trends in Resume Writing - Resume Writer For You

Market Yourself Effectively by Adapting to Current Trends in Resume Writing You think your resume is perfect and has everything that should be there, but still it doesnt seem to convert job opportunities into successful employment. If you are facing this situation, then chances are that you are still following outdated resume presentation formats or possibly have an ineffective resume. The more you seek opinions on the “best approach” to resume writing, the more confusion would be created as everyone has their own take on creating the most impressive. The need of the hour is to stick to the current trends because no one is interested in reading your autobiography. Gone are the days of descriptive declarations of personal achievement and qualification. Resumes are now deemed effective if they hold quantifiable information presented in a crisp and concise manner. Avoid Stating “Objective or Professional Summary”: The days of preference for objective statements and professional summary as being the determinants of a good resume are gone. The reason â€" they take up too much valuable space in the resume which can otherwise be used to state relevant statistics. Current trends demand that lengthy descriptions be avoided. It is best to get to the point immediately with the inclusion of relevant facts that would gain the attention of the recruiter. These single line statements, referred to as Minimalistic Statements, comprise of accurate, concise and to the point description of the manner in which the current job opportunity would contribute to the growth of ones career. Emphasize Achievements, Not Responsibilities: How does one judge your capabilities by reading your responsibilities? The statement, “dedicated team player, ” says nothing about contribution levels to the job. Anyone can execute their professional duties, but only some are good at it. Efforts need to be quantified to prove their effectiveness. The statement, “joined a team with low productivity and helped the team members achieve 20% faster completion rate.” makes a bigger impact and showcases ones ability to actively contribute to professional tasks. Any line on the resume which does not indicate your achievement is only wasting space without much contribution to the presentation. Facts Figures Help to Prove Your Worth: The mere presence of facts and figures in the resume can bring a drastic change in the manner in which the resume is perceived by recruiters. Textual expressions such as “substantial contribution”, “major change”, etc. Can only do little good in conveying the actual worth of your efforts. And the worst part is â€" no one would believe your capabilities as there is no concrete evidence to back it up. By stating, “increased production by 40% over 14 months” seems a far more credible fact than “a major change”. But the need for figures does not imply that the data should be false. Dishonesty would be an unfortunate attempt at ruining your career. Accurate descriptions can help your resume hold realistic significance rather than being a desperate sales pitch to the recruiters. Choose Keywords Carefully: No recruiter has the time to scan your resume for details. If the correct keywords are highlighted, chances are that the recruiter might get impressed with the resume immediately as the important aspects have already been highlighted. Being expressive is good, but filling up the resume with useless jargon makes it worthy of being rejected. One way to approach this would be to identify keywords provided in the recruiters job description / job specification and then optimize them naturally into the resumes content. By doing this, you have made the task of screening resumes easier for the recruiter with all the possibility of your resume being selected instantly. Create a Digital Presence for Your Resume with QR Codes: Advancements in technology have made an impact on conventional headhunting efforts. Almost every recruiter possesses a Smartphone which makes the work portable and conveniently accessible to him. By creating a digital presence of your resume, not only do you ensure better access to your resume, but the possibility of faster response times are also increased. The QR code can be scanned with a Smartphone following which the recruiters would be directed to your online portfolio or professional portals where the required information may be accessed. This also helps in reaching out to more recruitment opportunities in less time. Need Help? Seek Out Professional Resume Writing Services: Still confused on what to include and what to keep out of the resume? It would be wise to get professional help with resume writing if you are not able to manage it yourself. Irrespective of whether you are a fresher or a seasoned corporation personnel, professional resume writing services can help you to adhere to current trends in resume writing and the experience of the writing service comes through to help your resume stand out from the rest. Resume Writer for You offers the best custom resume writing service with unique resume designs aimed at highlighting your expertise and capabilities for a high impact first impression. Resume and Cover Letter Tips