Friday, May 29, 2020

First Blog by an Israeli Human Resources Company

First Blog by an Israeli Human Resources Company 4 I recently blogged that Danel, Working With A Smile may have been the first blog by an Israeli recruiter. I have now discovered that an Israeli HR company called Iron Moznayim actually started a Blogli blog less than a week before Noy Zelig published her first post at the beginning of February 2007. Iron Moznayim is a human resources company based in Haifa. The Iron Moznayim blog shares the same style as Noy's blog for Danel; there are some job search tips but it is mostly oriented towards publishing job listings. The company seems to have tested its blog for just that purpose with a burst of activity at the end of January but since then- nothing. I'll try contacting them for an update in the comments. In hopes that the IM blog becomes active again, I've added its RSS feed to the Ultimate RSS Feed Collection for the Israeli Job Seeker and the JobMob Bloglines account.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Dont Try to Stop Me! - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Don’t Try to Stop Me! - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career How well do others know you? Have others ever questioned the why and how you behave in a particular way? Is there a consistency to your behavior that has resulted in a methodical routine for you? Once you recognize this about yourself, you will have defined your personal brand. And upon so doing, it will become easier and easier to achieve your goals. Obstacles to what we are trying to accomplish arise more frequently than desired but it is the creative and positive mindset that allows us to overcome what is standing in our way. The biggest differentiator for success is to not allow frustration to get in the way. Frustration is the half-way point of either being blocked or possessing the ability to achieve what is next required in order to move forward. “Joanne” required assistance from a State Representative because she was caught “in the system”. Not able to get an explanation as to why a new State license did not come through, although she had passed the required examination, Joanne decided her next step was to stop by the Capitol building to ask for help. Everyone familiar with Joanne knew not to discourage her made up mind to make a bold statement. However, the assistant did admonish Joanne for having interrupted the normal routine. Be aware that interruption frequently finds a solution. In this case, the interruption paid off. Joanne waited in the office while the needed calls were made by an authority figure. Once completed, the assistant helping agreed Joanne was well within her rights because otherwise she would have been forever stalemated. Now Joanne is able to move forward with her career and help put food on the table for her family. To further enhance this theme of becoming unstoppable, I ask if your grand vision is scary at all? Over the years, leaders have said if you aren’t the least bit scared, your vision isn’t grand enough. Most of us have deeply held visions that we do not share with others. Many go about their day-to-day activities without a direct connection to making that vision achievable. But when you strive to take miniscule steps each and every day such as education, trial and error, and pursuit to get to that vision, eventually all of the pieces put in place will come together as a complete puzzle. The question becomes, what will the picture of your puzzle look like? When you know the answer to this question, it becomes far easier to craft all the pieces of the puzzle to keep you headed in the right direction. The picture or vision begins to come into focus and the fear begins to subside. Now that you have the entire vision mentally pieced together, and you determine to become unstoppable, those who once stood in your way will step aside. In the end, when you look back to see what you have achieved, it will all seem as if it were a Smooth Sale! Author: Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale, (800) 704-1499; was designated as a “Top 25 Sales Influencer for 2012.” Elinor authored the International Best-Selling book, “Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results”, Sourcebooks and best selling, “HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews”, Career Press.

Friday, May 22, 2020

How What You Eat Can Keep Your Skin Looking Great

How What You Eat Can Keep Your Skin Looking Great When it comes to skincare, the big buzzword right now is collagen. Collagen is skin magic for lots of reasons. It protects from toxins, improves fine lines, and reduces wrinkles. Many of the skincare products that contain collagen get it from animal sources (gelatin) but we can, if were smart, get more than enough collagen just from our diets. Certain foods are packed with it, such as nuts and seeds. Natural Fats Foods that are rich in healthy fats are great for our outsides as well as insides, and plant-based foods are an even better option as they don’t need to be processed before they’re safe to eat. Raw nuts and seeds are both great for helping the body produce more collagen as they’re packed with not just healthy fats, but other collagen-boosting minerals as well. A, B, C, and E vitamins are all great for boosting collagen, as well as copper and zinc. Below are just some of the foods youll find those vitamins and minerals in. You dont have to eat all of them every day, but just include them. For more on healthy, tasty options for adding nuts and seeds to your diet, click here.   Heres a summary: Sunflower Seeds An excellent source of zinc, protein, and Vitamin B1, sunflower seeds are also packed with iron and copper which support blood flow, and in turn, prevent collagen from breaking down. Add them to smoothies, oatmeal, or other recipes. You can even add them to cookies or desserts. Pumpkin Seeds Just a quarter of a cup of pumpkin seeds contains more protein than an entire egg. Theyre also overflowing with immune-boosting zinc, iron, magnesium, collagen-supporting vitamins, and a slight hint of sweetness. Pumpkin seeds are also alkalizing, which means they help to both prevent and reduce inflammation. Eat as many as you like, but try always to eat them raw for maximum benefit. Almonds Almonds are skin superfood. Theyre packed with collagen-boosting protein, ‘good fats, copper, zinc, calcium, Vitamin E, and three types of B vitamin. They are also a magnesium source, which supports the nervous system and can reduce anxiety. We all know what stress does to our skin! Stick to roasted, raw, or almond butter options. Walnuts The ‘brain food’ nut, walnuts contain Vitamins E and B, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. They also help to balance your blood sugar, supporting insulin function and destressing your skin (insulin spikes can lead to acne). Chestnuts Chestnuts are the only nut that contains Vitamin C, which improves the immune system and prevents the breakdown of that all-important collagen. Theyre also delicious, with a slight sweetness, and are lower in fat than some other nuts (unless you choose for varieties with added oil, which we dont recommend). Theyre also a great source of B vitamins. Chia Seeds One of the best non-animal sources of omega-3 fatty acids, chia seeds are great for the skin due to their abundance of minerals and B vitamins. Theyre also really filling, so they will help you resist the temptation to snack between meals. They contain more iron, zinc, and calcium per serving than meat.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Boundaries and Standards

Boundaries and Standards Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you not because they are nice, but because you are.   (Author Unknown) Talane Miedaner is the owner and founder of Talane Coaching Company and the author of “Coach Yourself to Success,” a book on how to achieve what you want. She provides over 100 tips on how to be happier and more successful. In the chapter entitled “Increase your Natural Power,” her advice includes how to set boundaries for yourself.   “Boundaries, “ she writes,” are simply the things that people can’t do to you, lines that will protect you and allow you to be your best.” We all need them, but it can be hard to set them and stick to them, especially if you like to think of yourself as a nice person. Fortunately, Miedaner provides a four step approach that will calmly establish (and re-establish) your boundaries in any situation â€" personal or professional. Here are the four steps. Step One: Inform. Miedaner suggests that you state your point clearly, neutrally and without emotion. “Do you realize that you are yelling at me?” “Do you realize that that comment hurt me?” “I didn’t ask for your opinion.” Sometimes, this will be enough to stop the other person in her tracks.   “I didn’t realize I was yelling.” “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to get so worked up.” Of course, some bullies know perfectly well that they are acting inappropriately.   They will require more intervention.   See step two. Step Two: Request. This step is simple: ask the person to stop. “I ask that you stop interrupting me when I’m speaking.” “I ask that you make your remarks less personal.” If that doesn’t work, go to step three. Step Three: Insist. Obviously, if asking nice isn’t working, you have to make it clear that “no” is not an option. “I insist that you stop yelling at me now.” The word “insist” has power; it means business. You can also use “demand,” or “require” to make your point.   Whatever word you use, you should keep your calm and neutral demeanor. If the person persists, go to step four. Step Four: Leave. (without any snappy comebacks or remarks.)  Miedaner suggests that you simply and calmly state your case: “I can’t continue this conversation until you… (name behavior.)” It shouldn’t take long for someone to begin to understand and respect your boundaries. If you have people in your life who won’t after several applications of this process, you’ll need to reconsider your relationship. The key to success is remaining calm (on the outside at least) and maintaining a neutral tone.   Your reaction can serve as a calming influence or like gas on a fire. It may sound scary to take on an intrusive boss or angry customer, but your alternative may be seething rage that’s suppressed for years.   That’s the kind of feeling that erupts suddenly one day into a fit screams or tears. That would be much worse for your career. The flip side of boundaries is standards â€" the behaviors you hold yourself to. You can’t expect people to respect your boundaries if you exhibit the same behavior. You must choose the standards you will uphold and practice them often. For instance, mine include never bringing a bad mood into the office, always being polite to people who serve the public for a living, and always showing up on time. You may have others that you consider to be an important part of your character. Once you decide that something is a standard, you have to be ready to do your best to uphold it, even on a bad day or under provocation. When you fall short, and sometimes you will, you have a way to make it right. “I am so sorry for being rude yesterday. That’s not the standard of behavior I try to uphold. Please accept my sincere apology â€" I won’t do it again.” You may get one free pass from a friend or colleague, and maybe even a stranger. But their respect â€" and your personal integrity rides on true changes in behavior. Are you ready for the challenge?

Friday, May 15, 2020

How to Manage Remote Teams Like a Boss

How to Manage Remote Teams Like a Boss New technologies have revolutionised the way we think, perceive things and communicate with each other. Not only have they given us a wonderful opportunity to achieve faster and more efficient communication flow, but they have also built the culture of remote working.More and more organisations are hiring talented and proficient workers from distant parts of the world who are ready to contribute to the agile project development and company’s general productivity.Photo Credit â€" Pexels.comWhile hiring remotely has a number of benefits such as smaller or no overhead costs and a greater pipeline of experts to hire, there are also some challenges most business owners need to tackle when trying to setup and manage a remote team.evalHere are a few tips how to make remote team management a breeze.1. Manage Schedule InconvenienceevalOne of the things business owners might view as an obstacle are schedule inconveniences. Since the people you are hiring come from different remote parts of t he world,many of them belong to different time zones. This may cause difficulty in making a meeting schedule and slow down the communication between the two sides.In this case, you need to choose the hours when all the team members are at their offices at the same time and organise a meeting. The meetings don’t necessarily have to be organised during the day. Make sure you choose the time which will be convenient to all your team members.2. Provide FeedbackBuilding trust and a sense of community is essential for good business. If you want your team to produce best possible results, you need to people need to constantly encourage and motivate people to share and exchange their ideas. Also, people want to be heard and understood so that they would be aware of how much progress they are making and to what extent they contribute to the entire project.Providing your employees with monthly feedback is an excellent way to keep them regularly updated about their achievements. However, be mindful not to base the entire communication on formal subjects. Instead, try to be spontaneous and engage your team in a friendly chit-chat before getting down to business.3. Invest in Right Optimization ToolsWhile email is probably the most popular way of communication in this new digital era, many people consider it the least efficient means of communication.However, maintaining a good communication flow is essential for creating a healthy working atmosphere and for keeping everybody regularly updated. When it comes to working remotely, the best substitute for face-to-face communication is a videoconference.Photo Credit â€" Imgur.comevalLuckily, there is a variety of agile communication tools and project management tools that connect team-members from different parts of the world and make communication hustle-free.4. Maintain Up-To-Date Process DocumentationWhen introducing a new member to the team, getting him acquainted with all the ins-and-outs of project development and any s ensitive and necessary data can take a lot of your team’s energy and time.The best possible solution to this problem is to create documentation of processes which can serve as an invaluable source when any onboarding takes place. It’s an excellent substitute for the hours of training and can be pretty handy for any knowledge refreshment.Photo Credit â€" Pexels.com5. Choose the Right ManpowerevalChoosing the right team of people is instrumental in running business successfully and delivering good products. The nature of remote work requires a special group of people who have the right communication skills and who will easily fit into the community. Also, make sure you choose people who will perform their job flawlessly without having to supervise them constantly.evalIf you choose the big players who take their job seriously and do not take the advantage of all the perks this kind of job offers, you will realize that working with such people requires less management than when lead ing a team of workers who rely on office environment.

Monday, May 11, 2020

CAREER CALLING SUMMIT Panelist - Jane Jackson Career

CAREER CALLING SUMMIT Panelist - Jane Jackson Career I was honoured to be invited on the panel of the Career Calling Summit with Summit Host, Jess Smith.During the Career Calling Summit I was interviewed on personal branding, how to really attract career opportunities, job promotions and everything in-between to help you get ahead in your career and ace your job interviews.  If you understand yourself, and your target audience, you can build a brand that is authentic and congruent with who you really are.Jess and I discuss LinkedIn, and how to leverage it as a marketing and branding tool, how to make personalised requests to connect, craft a powerful summary, your cover image and cover photo, how to attract recruiters and hiring managers to get a job through video on LinkedIn, and effective storytelling in order to follow your career calling.Here is a short snippet of our interview:

Friday, May 8, 2020

Two Danish bosses surprise their employees in the morning - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

Two Danish bosses surprise their employees in the morning - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog Carsten and Karsten, two sales managers at Danish company Solar, wanted to do something nice for their employees. Early one Monday morning, they stood at the entrance and greeted every employee with a cheerful good morning and a breakfast they could take to their desks. This a great example of a random act of workplace kindness. Have you ever done something surprising and nice for a co-worker? Let us know in a comment. Thanks for visiting my blog. If you're new here, you should check out this list of my 10 most popular articles. And if you want more great tips and ideas you should check out our newsletter about happiness at work. It's great and it's free :-)Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related